Recruitment of forty-five (45) youths who will benefit from a ninety (90) day mentoring grant at PSAB |
The Director of the Practical School of Agriculture Bingucla (PSAB) is pleased to inform the general public in general and stakeholders of the rural world in particular. of the recruitment of forty-five (45) youths who will benefit from a ninety (90) day mentoring grant. within the framework of the implementation of the project "Reinforcing Employment and Entrepreneurship Opportunities for Rural Youth in Africa " (ROEJRA). of AUDA-NEPAD funded by IFAD, with EPAB as partner.
EPAB mentoring covers the following aspects:
1- Technical and managerial training in one of the five (05) agro pastoral value chains: broiler, pork, banana-plantain. cassava and tomato.
2- Support for business creation through: market research, business plan preparation. financial intermediation and post-training follow-up.
3- A direct grant of USD 2,000 to the five (5) best projects.
4- Training and subsistence costs to all successful candidates.
- Be between the age of 18 to 35 years;
- Permanently resides in a rural area or be prepared to develop an agro-pastoral activity there;
- He physically fit for agro-pastoral activities;
- Be able to calculate, read and write French or English;
- Has an asset from which the individual project will be developed (land, premises. equipment, etc.).
Place and period of training
The training will take place at the EPAB head office in Bingucla (32 km from Yaoundo. the Yaounda-Ngotimou road). The programme milli run as follows:
- Technical/managerial training: from 15 January to 15 April 2022. and;
- Post-training mentoring from 16 April to 30 October 2022.
Application file
- A letter of motivation addressed to the Director of EPAB (specifying the area where your project is found. agro pastoral experience, level ofttlucation, value chain of interest and available production assets);
- A photocopy of National Identity Card.
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