Competitive Entrance into the Magistracy and Court registry Division of the National School of Administraion and Magistracy (NSAM) 2022/2023 anglophone 2022

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Competitive Entrance into the Magistracy and Court registry Division of the National School of Administraion and Magistracy (NSAM) 2022/2023 anglophone 2022

Special recruitment of 30 (thirty) student court registrars and 50 pupil magistrates of english expression into the magistracy and court registry division of the Natiotal School of Administration and Magistracy (NSAM) for the 2022/2023 academic year

Concours pour le recrutement spécial de 30 Elèves Greffiers et de 50 Auditeurs de Justice d'expression anglaise à la Division de la Magistrature et des Greffes de l’ENAM au titre de l'année académique 2022/2023

Consultez aussi: Concours direct pour le recrutement de 200 greffiers-adjoints - MINJUSTICE


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