Coding for kids : Prepare your child for the future world of work

Cameroon Desk
Coding for kids : Prepare your child for the future world of work

You want to give your child aged 4 to 18 the best start in life! Do you want to prepare your child for the future world of work? Look no further than our digital skills training!

Our training is designed to introduce children to the exciting world of coding with scratch and python, while also teaching them about the cutting-edge technologies of the fourth industrial revolution, such as artificial intelligence and robotics. Through a capstone project, your child will have the opportunity to apply these skills to real-world scenarios and develop their creativity with Canva.


  • Introduction to the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Future of Work
  • Introduction to Computer Coding PYTHON & SCRATCH
  • Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
  • Introduction to Web Design - Wordpress
  • Modern Workplace Tools I & II - Word
  • Introduction to canva
  • Casptone Project

Pay an advance of 10 000 Frs to book a spot

Click here to register

Up to four training locations to choose from 

  • Bonamoussadi
  • Bonanjo
  • Makèpe
  • Bonapriso

Investing in your child's digital skills now will give them a competitive advantage in the future job market. By enrolling in our training, your child will receive the knowledge and tools they need to succeed in the ever-changing digital world.

For further information and to register +237 654 737 267 / 658 248 387

Don't miss this opportunity to set your child on the path to success!

The United Nations SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) are integrated into our practical digital skills training program for children aged 4 to 18 as follows:

Digital citizenship education: teaching aspects related to online security, privacy, and responsible and ethical use of social media that contribute to Objective 4 of "Quality Education".

Programming and software development: integrating the SDGs into software and connected device development projects that impact health, environment, poverty reduction, etc.

Environment and climate change: raising awareness among children about the issues and impacts of climate change and digital pollution on human life by Objective 13 of "Climate Action".

Promotion of gender equality, diversity, and inclusion in computer science: encouraging women and minority groups to engage in STEAM fields that contribute to Objective 5 of "Gender Equality".

Digital business and marketing skills: teaching how to target an online audience and increase their impact in achieving several SDGs.

Teaching practical digital skills can contribute to achieving the SDGs by making children more aware and actively contributing to global efforts towards sustainability, resilience, and equity. By encouraging children to participate in real-life projects that integrate the SDGs, they can develop skills for their future and actively contribute to managing the global challenges of digitization.


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