2024 GCE Statistics: Success Rates Across Cameroon Regions

Cameroon Desks
2024 GCE Statistics: Success Rates Across Cameroon Regions
2024 GCE Statistics: Success Rates Across Cameroon Regions

The table of regional statistics for the 2024 GCE results highlights the performance of different regions in Cameroon. Here is a brief analysis of the data:

Download 2024 GCE Results here

Overall Performance

  • Centre Region: With the highest number of candidates, the Centre region boasts an impressive pass rate of 71.52%, with 14,688 successful candidates out of 20,537 present.
  • West Region: With a pass rate of 69.67%, this region also stands out with 5,515 successful candidates out of 7,916 present.
  • Adamawa Region: Shows a pass rate of 68.95%, with 995 passes out of 1,443 present.

Notable Performances

  • North West: With 12,937 registered and 10,687 present, this region achieved a pass rate of 68.8%, making it one of the top-performing regions.
  • Littoral: With 22,146 registered, this region has a pass rate of 68.73%, with 13,646 passes out of 19,855 present.
  • South West: Records a pass rate of 61.5%, with 11,070 successful candidates out of 17,999 present.

Regions Facing Challenges

  • Far North: With the lowest pass rate of 50.89%, this region shows a significant margin for improvement, with only 514 passes out of 1,010 present.
  • North: Also facing challenges with a pass rate of 53.73%, where 497 candidates passed out of 925 present.
  • South: Pass rate of 56.26%, with 953 passes out of 1,694 present.


Overall, the results show encouraging performance for the majority of the regions, with pass rates mostly above 60%. The Centre, West, and Adamawa regions stand out with their high pass rates. However, the North and Far North regions will need to intensify their efforts to improve future performance.

These statistics help measure educational progress in different parts of the country and target regions needing additional support to enhance academic success.

The image below shows a table with more detailed results for each region.

Liste des Résultats des Examens Officiels et Concours Disponibles au Cameroun

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