Call for application for admission into HND programmes in HTTTC Kumba 2024/2025

Cameroon Desks
The Vice-Chancellor of the University of Buea wishes to inform the general public that the Higher Technical Teachers' Training College (HTTTC), Kumba is offering HND Programmes in the following fields:

Hotel Management and Catering, Tourism and Travel Agency Management, Bakery and Food Processing, Fashion Clothing and Textiles, Accountancy, Management, Banking and Finance, Marketing-Trade-Sale, Project Management, Insurance, Assistant Manager, Public Service and Administration, Human Resource Management, Civil Engineering Design, Urban Planning and Surveying, Woodwork, Electrical Power System, Telecommunications, Audio-Visual and Graphic Communication, Mechanical Fabrication, Automotive Mechanic and Maintenance, Structural and Metallic Construction, ICT, Hardware Maintenance, Software Engineering, Computer Science and Network, Didactics, Educational and Planning Curriculum Development, Food Management and Catering, Food Technology and Renewable Energy.

Holders of the GCE Advanced Level, Technical and Vocational Education Examination (TVEE), and the Baccalaureat Certificates or their equivalents in professional and technical disciplines are encouraged to apply. The programmes sre designed to give holders of professional certificates a fair chance to further their education, thereby building their capacities for better service to the nation.

Application Forms are now available at the office of the Head of Service for Continuing Education in HTTTC Kumba. The closing date for the submission of complete application file is scheduled for 30th September 2024.

Further details on the said programmes can be gotten from the HTTTC Kumba website at Do not hesitate to contact the school for any further clarification call 670 040 344.

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