COLTECH Buea 2024: 1st & 3rd Year Admission Now Open

Cameroon Desks
The Vice-Chancellor of the University of Buea informs the general public that, application forms for admission into the First Year and Third Year of the College of Technology for the 2024/2025 academic year are now available on the University of Buea website:

The qualification requirements for the Entrance Examination are:
  • GCE "O" Level in at least four science subjects; AND GCE "A" Levels in at least two science subjects which should include mathematics, further mathematics or physics; OR
  • Baccalaureat C, D, E, F1, F2, F3, or Breve de Technicien - BT (MISE, MAV, MEM); OR
  • GCE Technical "O" and "A" Levels in relevant subjects to the selected discipline the candidate is applying for, OR
  • Any other certificates recognized as equivalent by the Ministry of Higher Education.
The complete application file must include the following documents:
  • A registration form to be completed on-line and printed not later than Friday, 24th August 2024 at the University of Buea website:;
  • A certified true copy of the candidate's birth certificate not less than three (32) months old;
  • Certified copies of the relevant academic certificates;
  • A non-refundable receipt of payment of 20,000 FCFA for the examination into the following accounts: 
Afriland First Bank: Account No. 000690809127100159.

All documents of the application file should be put in a sealed A4 size envelope, and submitted at the Examination Centre on the day of the examination. The names of the candidates, the degree program they are applying for should be clearly indicated on the envelope.

The written part of the Entrance Examination will take place in the following Examination Centres:
  • University of Buea; The University of Bamenda; ENS Yaounde;
  • Institut Universitaire de la Cote (IUC), Logbesu - Douala;
  • Government Bilingual High School (Lycee) Bafoussam (Tamdja)
The latest date for fegistration is Friday, 24th August 2024.

The due for the written part of the Entrance Examination is Thursday 29th August 2024.


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