Camrail is accepting Spontaneous applications : Apply now!

Cameroon Desks
Camrail, the leader in rail transport in Cameroon, is opening its doors to new passionate and dedicated talents. As part of its ongoing commitment to providing superior quality services and driving innovation in the rail sector, they are now accepting unsolicited applications for various positions within the company.

CAMRAIL, as part of a Public-Private Partnership, has been the operator of Cameroon's national railway network since January 19, 1999. The subsidiary of Africa Global Logistics, which began operations on April 1, 1999, was selected at the end of a 3-year bidding process.

Under the terms of the State-CAMRAIL concession agreement, the rail operator provides:
  • Technical and commercial management of rail transport services;
  • Maintenance, development and operation of rail infrastructure;
  • Ongoing management of the railway domain, nearly 1000 km long, alongside the transport of people and goods.
CAMRAIL is the delegated project owner and contractor for state investments in the rail sector.

As part of its activities, CAMRAIL accepts unsolicited applications from job seekers.


Click here to submit your application.

Also read: How to apply for a Vacation Internship at BICEC?!


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