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Gagnez avec YANGO Pro !

Job offer: Veterinary Technician

Cameroon Desks
The Aghem Cooperative Credit Union Ltd

Total Roundabout wum - P. O. Box: 29 wurn - Tel: 673 51 64 91 663 84 6906 

The Aghem Cooperative Credit Union Ltd With registered head office in Wum, Menchum Division is a microfinance institution that supports farmers in Menchum Division with loans and training' We are seeking to hire a Veterinary Technician between the ages of 25 to 35vears to join our team and help us achieve our vision of improving the livelihoods Of our members and the community.

As a veterinary technician, you Will be responsible for: 
  • Training farmers in raising animals for commercial purposes, such as poultry, pigs, goats, sheep, cattle, etc.
  • Studying farmers' projects that request financing from the credit union and recommending them to the management for approval.
  • Following up financed projects to ensure their success and sustainability.
  • Carrying out research in modern ways of raising farm animals and disease control, and sharing best practices with farmers and colleagues.
To apply for this position, you should have:
  • An 'INC) in veterinary science or related field from a recognized institution. knowledge in project writing and management.
  • Good communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Ability to work independently and as part Of a team,
  • Willingness to travel to remote areas and Interoct with farmers,
  • Relevant work experience in animal health and production will be an added advantage.
If you meet the above requirements and are interested in this opportunity, please send your CV and cover letter to the following address on or before the 05th March 2024 at 3:00pm.

Division Or email : acculrecuit@gmail.coma

(Augmenter vos chances d’être retenu en créant un CV professionnel. Cliquez ICI pour créer votre CV)

NB: Ne donnez pas d'argent pour obtenir un emploi


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