University of Bonn SDG Fellowships 2022 for Scientists (SDGs)

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Bonn SDG Fellowships 2024 in Germany
Bonn SDG Fellowships 2024 in Germany

The remarkable opportunity in Germany to get practical experience through the funded research fellowship 2024 aims to assist intellectual researchers and strengthen their networks. The University of Bonn is engaged with various research institutes and universities in Africa, Latin America, and Asia. However, talking about meeting the SDGs is easier than actually implementing them as a project because it has posed considerable challenges for many countries on the continents. Here is the most attractive feature of this international fellowship in Europe: it encompasses multiple benefits in the form of a traveling allowance, monthly stipend, research allowance, spouse allowance, and children allowance.

The funded fellowship program at the University of Bonn, Germany, requires you to complete the online application form promptly. You need to provide the pdf format of the document, explaining the project and its phases in detail. You must write your research proposal with comprehensible language. Moreover, you must present the reasons for attending the fellowship, the outline of the project activities at the University of Bonn, how you have contributed to the research, and how the University of Bonn fellowship in Europe will enrich your experience. You must also provide an overview of your previous cooperation experience with the mentor.

The strong faculties, research centers, and academic units of the University of Bonn organize international fellowships. The University is recognized as one rich in tradition with a strong research profile, so here it is the best opportunity for the researchers to pave their way to success. Based on promoting gender equality, the University of Bonn is considered an equal-opportunity employer for all. The responsible researcher must endorse the ethical aspects of your work to find them out in the research project. The element of diversity enables the institute to explore new perspectives, ideas, and questions to the problems. Thus, the University provides effective resources to fulfill your dreams in Germany.

Bonn SDG Fellowships 2024 in Germany:
Host Country:
Host University:
University of Bonn
Level of Fellowship:
Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship
Duration of Funding:
From 3 months to 12 months
Benefits of Bonn SDG Fellowship 2024 in Germany:
  • The traveling allowance will be covered.
  • Stipend of Euro 3,000 per month.
  • Funding for spouses up to Euro 300.
  • Funding for children up to Euro 250 per child.
  • Research allowance up to Euro 500 per month.
Eligibility Criteria of Bonn SDG Fellowships in Germany 2024:
  • Post-doctoral researchers can apply.
  • A selection must be made by the professor of the University of Bonn.
  • Must have a long-term affiliation with a research institute or associated with research at University.
  • Must demonstrate expertise in an area of interest, related to SDGs.
  • Selection Criteria of the Bonn SDG Fellowships 2024 in Germany:
  • Academic quality and mutual benefit.
  • Strategic relevance and potential for future cooperation.
How to Apply for the Bonn SDG Fellowships in Germany?
  • You have to apply through the official website.
  • Fill up the required fields.
  • Upload all the supporting documents, if required.
  • Complete the application form carefully and submit it.
  • The application must be filled in under the supervision of the professor of the University of Bonn.
Documents/Information required for the University of Bonn Fellowship:
  • Application form.
  • Project description in pdf.
  • Fellow’s CV.
  • Financing plan.
Bonn SDG Fellowships Application Deadline:
The application deadline is May 03, 2023.


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