Government of Turkey Scholarships
A well-praised Turkey Burslari Scholarship program for 2025 has been announced by the Turkish Government. Candidates from all over the world will be selected for the Turkey Scholarships 2025. This will help you lead your future careers in a better way. You are given the option to select the program in your required languages. This Turkish scholarship is offered for levels Bachelor’s, Master’s, or Ph.D. With the extensive options of Turkish universities, you can apply for the numerous disciplines offered by these universitiesThink of your future at this point, because you are not far away from achieving your career goals as Turkey Government Scholarship 2025 has knocked at your door with a surprising offer. The chief feature of this fully-funded scholarship is that everyone from every corner of the globe is eligible for this overwhelming program. The scholarship offer is available for you if you have an excellent previous academic record and you are a brilliant researcher. Such financial support is given nowhere. Moreover, university placements are ensured through this program.
Turkey is no doubt a place worth visiting, with the existence of traditional Turkish monuments and historical places. The scholarships in Turkey for International students may prove to be the stairs to reaching your final destination. The program aims to provide quality education, at internationally acceptable standards, to foreign students. The program is based on the equal opportunity benchmark. Through this offer, Turkey is aimed at establishing cooperative relationships among different countries. Further, regional and global developments can be ensured in many fields from art to education, from literature to economy, and from technology to architecture.
The scholarship for international students in Turkey 2025 is available under the Turkish Government. You can improve your career paths leading towards your future goals. Your knowledge about the particular field of study is enriched and your vision to see things through viable means is further widened. The Turkish Government will help you impart communication, presentation, and better relationship skills while working on the different assignments and projects in a team-based environment. Moreover, the individuality of your personality is recognized through the learning and development activities held at Turkish Universities.
Turkey Scholarships 2025 Turkey Burslari Scholarship
Host Country:TurkeyFunded By:Turkish Government
Course Level:
- Undergraduate Degree
- Master’s Degree
- Doctoral Degree
- Turkey Undergraduate Scholarship (4 to 5 years)
- Turkey Master’s Scholarship ( 2 to 3 years)
- Turkey PhD Scholarship (3 to 4 years)
- You will be provided with accommodation.
- You will be given a monthly stipend.
- You will be facilitated with the departmental and university placements.
- You will be allowed to learn the Turkish language for one year.
- Once off return ticket will be given.
- Health insurance will be provided.
- Social and Cultural Activities
- Social and Cultural Activities
- Turkey Alumni Network
Eligibility Criteria of the Turkey Scholarships 2025:
- Citizens of all nationalities except Turkish citizens and those who have lost Turkish citizenship can apply.
- You should not be currently enrolled in any of the Turkish universities.
- If you have completed your graduation or it is going to be completed before August 2025, you can apply.
- Researchers and academic groups, both can apply.
- If you have attained 70% marks in your previous academic education, you can apply for graduate programs.
- 75% is the minimum requirement for Master’s and Doctoral programs.
- If you want to apply for Health sciences including medicine, dentistry, and pharmacy, you should have a minimum of 90% previous academic record.
- In terms of age, you should be under 21 for the bachelor’s program.
- You should be under 30 for the Master’s program.
- You should be under 35 for the Doctoral program.
- For the research scholarship program, you should be under 45 years of age.
- How to Apply for the Turkey Scholarships 2025?The applicants have to apply online through the Turkish Bursalri official website.
- Create your account on the Turkiye Scholarship application system.
- Applicants are required to upload the supporting documents on the application portal.
- Applications can be submitted in any of the following 8 languages, which include Turkish, Arabic, English, French, Bosnian, Russian, Spanish, and Persian.
- You must mention your dream university and preferred program on the application.
- You are required to write a motivational letter, expressing your goals, future expectations, and preferences.
- You must carefully review all the documents and stages before clicking on the submit option.
Required Documents for the Turkey Burslari Scholarship 2025:
- Academic transcripts.
- Diploma or graduation certificate (if required).
- National exams result in a card (if required).
- International exams result in proof including GRE, GMAT, SAT, etc (if requested)
- Valid Passport or ID card.
- Photograph (not older than a year)
- International language test including TOEFL or DEFL (if requested).
- A proposal for a research topic should be provided (for a doctoral program
The selection would be made based on the following aspects:
- Academic success.
- Active participation in Social Activities.
- Motivation towards the relevant field.
- After a preliminary assessment, an Expert Evaluation will be made.
- Interview of 15 to 30 minutes.
- Then, the Selection committee’s final decision will be endorsed
The last date to apply for the 2025 Türkiye Scholarships is 20 February 2025.
Bonsoir. Est-il possible de rédiger sa thèse en français lorsqu'on est sélectionné pour cette bourse??
RépondreSupprimerOui, a condition qu'il le gouvernement l'accepte
SupprimerNon non , tu devras faire un an de langue turc et faire la thèse en cette langue
SupprimerBonjour mon thème est intitulé: Étude phytoecologie et stock de carbone dans les massifs de Moulvoudaye Mayo-kani (Extrême-nord Cameroun)
RépondreSupprimerS'il vous plaît J'aimerai savoir s'il existe des bourses partiellement financées allant de 6 à 12 mois?
SupprimerComment télécharger les pièces jointes et les justificatifs !!!!
RépondreSupprimerJ'ai créé mon compte et je ne parviens à poursuivre les conditions.
Créez votre compte sur le système de candidature Turkiye Scholarship.
Les candidats sont tenus de télécharger les pièces justificatives sur le portail de candidature.
Les bourses de recherche concernent quel niveau d'études ?
RépondreSupprimerPour tous ceux et celles ayant besoin d'aide ou d'information par rapport à cette bourse, veuillez me contacter à cette adresse :
RépondreSupprimerLors de l'inscription, il y a une case où l'on me demande une question secrète, c'est laquelle ?