How to negotiate your salary in a job interview |
Talking about salary is still the most embarrassing part of a job interview. And yet, it is an essential step in the recruitment process.
Negotiating salary is a perfectly legitimate point, since compensation is only a form of recognition of your work. Therefore, talking about salary expectations during a job interview cannot be improvised. In order to negotiate your salary in the right way, you need to be prepared.
So today, I'm going to present you with some tips on how to successfully negotiate your salary during a job interview.
The first advice is
- To talk about it
Even if the company has already established a salary range, the recruiter can ask you an open question at the end of the interview: "What are your salary expectations? The negotiation can then begin directly.
- Second tip.
- Tip #3.
By researching the company in question, you can now determine a salary range.
Consider years of work experience, your education level, your degrees/certifications, your skills, the local job market, and the supply and demand in your area to determine your range.
- Tip Four.
If the recruiter has contacted you for a job interview, it is because they are interested in your profile. To show them that you are the ideal candidate, show them all the advantages that the company would benefit from by choosing a candidate with your experience and skills. This will make you gain points in the eyes of the recruiter and may justify your salary request.
Beware of improvisation, prepare your arguments well in advance and do not hesitate to refer to specific achievements that prove your performance and your value. This will help you justify your salary expectations later on.
- Fifth tip.
There is nothing wrong with seeking recognition for your work, but don't be closed to discussion. On the contrary, hear the recruiter's arguments and present your arguments in turn without overplaying your hand. In addition to proving your boldness, you are also proving your maturity in dealing with important issues.
And finally, the sixth piece of advice I have for you is to think about the other benefits
The salary is not everything. Whether or not the company responds favorably to your salary expectations, think about additional benefits, such as: the possibility of telecommuting, flexible hours, bonuses, a company car, reimbursement of transportation/kilometer expenses, luncheon vouchers, gift certificates or even a business phone or computer...
Some of these benefits can save you money or improve your work/life balance. Do not hesitate to bring them up during the job interview.
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