Call for expression of interest : Consultant _Project Evaluation and Satisfaction Survey

Cameroon Desks


CEI/MDM-CH/CG/PRG/LOG/2024 of 31/12/2024

Present since 2013 in Cameroon and in the North West from 2018, Doctors of the World Switzerland (MdM -CH), with the support of its technical and financial partner and in collaboration with its implementing partner, is currently implementing an 8-month project titled “Strengthening access to maternal neonatal and infant/child health care for the populations of 3 health districts in the North West Region.”

In line with this project, Doctors of the World is seeking for a consultant or team of consultants for the execution of a project evaluation and a satisfaction survey for beneficiaries of free medical services in the project’s partner health facilities, the 3 maternity waiting rooms and the 3 mobile clinics.

The terms of reference can be obtained through the link below:

Deadline for submitting applications: 27/01/2025 at 01.00 pm (local time).

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